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Reconnect Foundation started with a Chinese social media platform Wechat to fundraise for local NPOs through selling second-hand commodities to Vancouver west communities. Rapidly, this charity platform caught attentions of local businesses, and a new way of collaboration was stimulated. With every dollar spent on collaborating businesses' products and services, there will be a high % donated to partnering local organizations. This has expanded Reconnect's actions to organizing charity events such as barista career training, wine tasting tours, book clubs etc. While fundraising for good causes, the community life is also enriched, connecting the local residents, businesses, and different organizations.


Up till this day, Reconnect has reached beyond the Vancouver west community to its neighboring Burnaby and Richmond city. The list of benefitting local orgs is still growing.

Reconnect has also initiated its youth leadership program, as it believes empathy and soft skills can be trained within. Getting involved with Reconnect is easy. Shoot us an email to make a donation, register our events online, or talk to one of our volunteers through wechat.

  • BC Family Hearing Resource Society Vancouver

  • BC Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Tedx Youth Granville Island

  • Lord Byng Secondary School public speaking club

  • Brock House Society

  • West Vancouver 

  • Beideng Society

  • DoReMi Mummy Society

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